Safari Tipping Guidelines

Safari Tipping Guidelines

At Ahnasa we typically like to book our guests on an all inclusive safari. This means everything from your accommodation, transfers & logistics, park / conservancy fees, meals, select drinks and emergency evacuation insurance coverage is included in the safari package.

This means that really, only tipping for the people taking care of you while on safari is not include, this is because tipping is discretionary.  However, we understand this leaves the main questions of how much and who to tip unanswered.

Guests staying at the hotels / camps / lodges are taken care of by a team of dedicated staff who all work together to give you the best experience during your stay. This is the reason why the African hospitality is so famous!

The key staff that you’ll consider tipping are your safari guides, camp and spotter who take you our on game drive / lodge staff.

Tipping Guidelines:

Tour Drivers / Safari Guides / Spotters

While on safari, your guides, spotters and tour guides will go out of their way to ensure that you have the most memorable safari. Spending long hours on your game activities with guests, the guides are enthusiastic to show you what is on offer, while also taking the time to educate you, resulting in a deeper connection being made with your experience. 

Tipping is an appreciation of their services. It is preferable to tip in the local currency, but US $ dollars are a second option, especially if you are tipping more than the normal average amount of money.

How much do I tip?

As an approximate guide, we recommend USD $10.00 – $20.00 per day per guest for your safari guide. The same amount is acceptable for the wildlife spotter too.  If you feel you’ve received outstanding service, then please feel free to tip more!

Where and When do I tip my safari guide / spotter?

If your safari guide is from the lodge, you can tip them directly at the end of your last game drive with them, or when they drop you to the airstrip.

If you have a safari guide for a longer duration, (if you are doing a road safari with them) then you would tip them at the end of your safari when they drop you to your last destination.

Sometimes your safari may include a spotter. In this case, you would tip the spotter directly and at the end of their services.

Please do not use tipping as a form of incentive / bribery, this will jeopardise their jobs. 

Tipping Guidelines:

Accommodation Staff

Whilst the guides and managers are the front faces of your safari, there are several ‘behind the scenes’ staff who are equally involved in making your stay as memorable as can be. These include (but are not limited to):

  • Housekeeping Team. 
  • The chef and their team.
  • The bar & wait staff. 
  • The night ‘askaris’ (guards) who walk you back to your tent at night and stay awake all night patrolling the camp area for your safety and security.

How much do I tip?

As a Thank You to the staff, we recommend tipping between USD $10.00-$20.00 a day per guest, however, if you feel you have received outstanding service, feel free to tip more!

Where and When do I tip the staff?

It is normal practice to tip the staff together at the end of your stay at the hotel / camp. There is normally a tip box in the main areas or reception of most properties where you can discreetly put the tip. The tips will then be divided equally between the staff. Some properties may provide an envelope for your tip in your room / tent on the last day of your stay which you can either put in the communal tip box or leave with the manager.

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