A Tribute to the Queen of Olare

A Tribute to the Queen of Olare

Rest in Peace Dear Fig

At just about 11 years, you’re gone too soon! I can’t believe it and my heart aches knowing that your time has come to a tragic end! I know it’s part of nature and the circle of life, but it doesn’t make it any easier to process! You were one of the main reasons I kept coming back to Olare Motorogi, each time to come and see you and meet your beautiful cubs! You were so beautiful and I know you knew it, you weren’t shy and allowed everyone to get to know you. You stole the hearts of every guest and guide that was privileged to have seen you and had the honor to get to know you. And even those who didn’t get to meet you in person, they got to know you through the documentaries – ‘Big Cat Tales’ and ‘Jade Eyed Leopard’. I personally got the chance to know you during the lock down in 2020 and I’m so glad to have had the opportunity to keep coming back to the Mara to see you. Dear Fig, it was a great honour to know you.

I first met you in 2020, but had already heard so much about you! I distinctly remember the day, it was a Wednesday 12th August 2020. James Nampaso, my guide and I were in the conservancy and we knew where you were. You were hiding on the bank of the river, sheltering from the heat of the day and away from the nearby baboons. You only left a clue of a dead male impala. James and I were the only ones around, and pretty much the only people in the conservancy at that time. James told me we had found the famous Fig, but you were well hidden. We were patient but as the day progressed we left and decided to come back to see you in the evening. That’s when I first laid eyes on you and you captured my heart! You put on a show stalking a dik dik close to our car, but my camera lens was too long to allow me to capture your pounce. I know it was just an opportunity to show me your prowess.
You came by to say hello, walking straight under my camera lens and making eye contact, almost telling me you were delighted to meet me too! Before tucking into your evening meal.
We watched sunrises together, you relaxing and basking in the morning golden light and me with my cup of coffee. We watched sunsets together, you being the best version of you – stalking, calling and spending time with your baby, me with my gin and tonic watching you!
You were an incredible mother, and have successfully raised brilliant and resilient cubs! I have been lucky to have met Figlet, Furaha and during my last trip, your beautiful Faulu who was with you.
And I’ll never forget the most amazing birthday I had last year, I spent it with you and Faulu in Olare Motorogi! You put on a full show for me, almost as if you knew i was celebrating my birthday. You showed me your prowess in stalk mode…
You showed me your skills…
You showed me your strength as you dragged your meal up the tree, keeping it tucked away for dinner.
And then as we opened the bottle of bubbly that was sent as a surprise sundowner to celebrate my birthday, you settled down with Faulu in front of us, putting on an amazing show of tender love for your child and the cheeky playful side that you always have. You made my birthday an extremely memorable one, and one that I’ll never forget! And this was my last memory of you – what an amazing last memory of you, you’ve left me with.

Gone but never Forgotten

Olare Motorogi and the Masai Mara will never be the same without you. Every time I return, I shall remember you fondly and miss you much. You taught me so much, you were couragous, brave, resilient and loving, and trying to capture all these qualities, you pushed me to become a better photographer. I’ll always cherish the memories that you’ve given me and your legacy will continue to live on through Olare, Figlet, Furaha and Faulu!

Rest in Peace Sweet Queen of Olare

Fig's 2 Other Daughters

Figlet - AKA The Jade Eyed Leopard

Moments with Fig

Watching the Sunrise with Fig
Celebrating my birthday with Fig

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