Rest in Peace Dear Fig
At just about 11 years, you’re gone too soon! I can’t believe it and my heart aches knowing that your time has come to a tragic end! I know it’s part of nature and the circle of life, but it doesn’t make it any easier to process! You were one of the main reasons I kept coming back to Olare Motorogi, each time to come and see you and meet your beautiful cubs! You were so beautiful and I know you knew it, you weren’t shy and allowed everyone to get to know you. You stole the hearts of every guest and guide that was privileged to have seen you and had the honor to get to know you. And even those who didn’t get to meet you in person, they got to know you through the documentaries – ‘Big Cat Tales’ and ‘Jade Eyed Leopard’. I personally got the chance to know you during the lock down in 2020 and I’m so glad to have had the opportunity to keep coming back to the Mara to see you. Dear Fig, it was a great honour to know you.

Gone but never Forgotten

Rest in Peace Sweet Queen of Olare
Fig's 2 Other Daughters

Moments with Fig