"Nothing but breathing the air of Africa, and actually walking through it, can communicate the indescribable sensations."

A Luxury Zambia Safari is one that gives guests an authentic safari experience. The land of the legendary African walking safari, with awe-inspiring natural wonders. The mighty Victoria Falls, the wild Zambezi River, and an abundance of wildlife. Zambia is raw untouched wilderness and offers some of the finest safari experiences.
The destination is one of the safest in the world to visit. The people are warm and welcoming and live in peace and harmony. The destination attracts all different types of travelers. The safety of the country attracts solo travelers and families. While, the variety and quality of experiences attracts safari enthusiasts. The amazing birdlife attracts the most seasoned ornithologists and bird photographers. Victoria Falls attracts adrenaline seekers.
Zambia's safari scene is unique. Most camps and lodges are owner operated and guided. Others are there with a purpose of making a positive impact for the environment and communities. Connectivity around the many destinations is easy with local safari flights.
As well as the Victoria Falls, Zambia has seventeen magnificent waterfalls. Each entice a ‘cascade of followers’ luring them into an adventure to remote undeveloped rural areas. A taste of the local village life is experienced first hand.
Guests on a luxury safari in Zambia enjoy a most intimate, authentic and enriching holiday.